Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New Feature: Publishers

Initially, my blog roll was a mishmash of blogs and the websites of Christian Spec. publishers. I've finally divided them out and have the Christian Spec publishers in one list and the blog roll in another. Much more organized, makes much more sense.

I already had Slashdown and Marcher Lord, and today, I've added Port Yonder. Whereas Splashdown and Marcher Lord are exclusively Spec., Port Yonder also publishes other things. All three are small, independent, and reputable presses. All three are places that I would be proud to have a book published at.

Also, I'm open to adding other reputable presses if anyone wants to suggest any.


  1. Hey, thank you so much for listing us! Very much appreciated! :)

  2. No problem Grace.
    I only wish this blog could send more traffic your way.
